መዝገበ ቃላት
ምግሳስ ግስ
ምእላድ ግስ
ቤት ትምህርቲ
መጻሕፍተ ግእዝ
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Genesis 18
And the LORD appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;
ወአስተርአዮ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ለአብርሃም ፡ በኀበ ፡ ዕፀ ፡ ምንባሬ ፡ እንዘ ፡ ይነብር ፡ ኀበ ፡ ኆኅተ ፡ ሐይመት ፡ ቀትረ ።
And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground,
ወሶበ ፡ አልዐለ ፡ አዕይንቲሁ ፡ ወነጸረ ፡ ወናሁ ፡ ሠለስቱ ፡ ዕደው ፡ ይቀውሙ ፡ መልዕልቴሁ ፡ [ወርእየ ፡ ወሮጸ ፡ ለተቀብሎቶም ፡ እምኆኅተ ፡ ሐይመት ፡] ወሰገደ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ምድር ።
And said, My LORD, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant:
ወይቤሎሙ ፡ አጋእስትየ ፡ እመ ፡ ረከብኩ ፡ ሞገሰ ፡ በቅድመ ፡ አዕይንቲክሙ ፤
Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree:
ናምጽእ ፡ ማየ ፡ ወንኅፅብ ፡ እገሪክሙ ፡ ወታጽልሉ ፡ ታሕተ ፡ ዕፅ ።
And I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your hearts; after that ye shall pass on: for therefore are ye come to your servant. And they said, So do, as thou hast said.
ወናምጽእ ፡ ኅብስተ ፡ ወትብልዑ ፡ ወእምዝ ፡ ትሑሩ ፡ ኀበ ፡ ሐለይክሙ ፡ እምከመ ፡ ግሕሥክሙ ፡ ኀበ ፡ ገብርክሙ ፡ ወይቤልዎ ፡ ግበር ፡ ከማሁ ፡ በከመ ፡ ትቤ ።
And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth.
ወሮጸ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ኀበ ፡ ሳራ ፡ ብእሲቱ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ሐይመታ ፡ ወይቤላ ፡ አፍጥኒ ፡ ወአብሕኢ ፡ ሠለስተ ፡ መሣልሰ ፡ ስንዳሌ ፡ ወግበሪ ፡ ዳፍንተ ።
And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetcht a calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young man; and he hasted to dress it.
ወሮጸ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ኀበ ፡ አልህምት ፡ ወነሥአ ፡ አሐደ ፡ ላህመ ፡ ንኡሰ ፡ ወሠናየ ፡ ወወሀቦ ፡ ለቍልዔሁ ፡ ወአፍጠነ ፡ ገቢሮቶ ።
And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat.
ወአምጽአ ፡ ዕቋነ ፡ (ወመዓረ ፡) ወውእተ ፡ ላህመ ፡ ዘገብረ ፡ ወአቅረበ ፡ ሎሙ ፡ ወበልዑ ፡ ወውእቱሰ ፡ ይቀውም ፡ ኀበ ፡ ዕፅ ፡ ወይሜጥዎሙ ።
And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent.
ወይቤልዎ ፡ አይቴ ፡ ሳራ ፡ ብእሲትከ ፡ ወይቤሎሙ ፡ ነያ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ሐይመት ።
And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him.
ወይቤሎ ፡ ሶበ ፡ ገባእኩ ፡ እመጽእ ፡ ኀቤከ ፡ ዓመ ፡ ከመ ፡ ዮም ፡ ትረክብ ፡ ሳራ ፡ ውሉደ ፡ ወሰምዐት ፡ ሳራ ፡ እንዘ ፡ ትቀውም ፡ ኀበ ፡ ኆኅት ፡ እንዘ ፡ ሀለወት ፡ ድኅሬሁ ።
Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.
ወአብርሃምሰ ፡ ወሳራ ፡ ልህቁ ፡ ጥቀ ፡ ወኀለፈ ፡ መዋዕሊሆሙ ፡ ወኀደጋ ፡ ለሳራሂ ፡ ትክቶ ፡ አንስት ።
Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?
ወሠሐቀት ፡ ሳራ ፡ በባሕቲታ ፡ እስመ ፡ ትቤ ፡ በልባ ፡ ዓዲየኑ ፡ እስከ ፡ ይእዜ ፡ ወእግዚእየኒ ፡ ልህቀ ።
And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old?
ወይቤሎ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ለአብርሃም ፡ ምንት ፡ አሥሐቃ ፡ ለሳራ ፡ በባሕቲታ ፡ እስመ ፡ ትቤ ፡ (ዓዲየኑ ፡ እስከ ፡ ይእዜ ፡ ወእግዚእየኒ ፡ ልህቀ ፡ ወ)አማንኑ ፡ እወልድ ፡ ወናሁ ፡ ረሣእኩ ፡ አንሰ ።
Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.
ቦኑ ፡ ነገር ፡ ዘይሰአኖ ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር ፡ በዝንቱ ፡ ጊዜ ፡ ሶበ ፡ ገባእኩ ፡ ኀቤከ ፡ ትረክብ ፡ ሳራ ፡ ውሉደ ።
Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh.
ወክህደት ፡ ሳራ ፡ እንዘ ፡ ትብል ፡ ኢሠሐቁ ፡ እስመ ፡ ፈርሀት ፡ ወይቤላ ፡ አልቦ ፤ ሠሐቂ ።
And the men rose up from thence, and looked toward Sodom: and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way.
ወተንሥኡ ፡ እልክቱ ፡ (ክልኤቱ ፡) ዕደው ፡ እምህየ ፡ ወአንጸሩ ፡ መንገለ ፡ ሶዶም ፡ ወጎሞራ ፡ ወሖረ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ምስሌሆሙ ፡ ይፈንዎሙ ።
And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do;
ወይቤ ፡ እግዚእ ፡ ኢየኀብእ ፡ እምነ ፡ ቍልዔየ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ዘእገብር ፡ አነ ።
Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?
እስመ ፡ ሕዝበ ፡ ዐቢየ ፡ ይከውን ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ወብዙኀ ፡ ወይትባረኩ ፡ በእንቲአሁ ፡ ኵሎሙ ፡ አሕዛበ ፡ ምድር ።
For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
እስመ ፡ ኣአምር ፡ ከመ ፡ ሀለዎ ፡ ለአብርሃም ፡ የአዝዞሙ ፡ ለደቂቁ ፡ ወለቤቱ ፡ ወያዕቅቦሙ ፡ ፍናዊሁ ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር ፡ ወይግበሩ ፡ ምጽዋተ ፡ ወፍትሐ ፡ ከመ ፡ ይግበር ፡ (ሎሙ ፡) እግዚአብሔር ፡ ለአብርሃም ፡ ኵሎ ፡ ዘይቤሎ ።
And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;
ወይቤሎ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ጽራሖሙ ፡ ለሶዶም ፡ ወለጎሞራ ፡ በዝኀ ፡ ወኀጣውኢሆሙኒ ፡ ዐብየት ፡ ጥቀ ።
I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.
ወእረድ ፡ እንከሰ ፡ ወእርአይ ፡ ለእመ ፡ በከመ ፡ ጽራኆሙ ፡ እንተ ፡ ትመጽእ ፡ ኀቤየ ፡ ይፌጽምዋ ፡ ወእመ ፡ አኮሰ ፡ ኣአምር ።
And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the LORD.
ወሶበ ፡ ተመይጡ ፡ እምህየ ፡ እልክቱ ፡ ዕደው ፡ መጽኡ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ሶዶም ፡ ወጎሞር ፡ ወአብርሃምሰ ፡ ሀሎ ፡ ዓዲ ፡ ይቀውም ፡ ቅድመ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ።
And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?
ወቀርበ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ወይቤ ፡ ኢታማስን ፡ እግዚኦ ፡ ጻድቃነ ፡ ምስለ ፡ ኃጥኣን ፡ ወኢይኩን ፡ ጸድቅ ፡ ከመ ፡ ኃጥእ ።
Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?
ለእመ ፡ ሀለዉ ፡ ኀምሳ ፡ ጻድቃን ፡ ውስተ ፡ ሀገር ፡ ታማስኖሙኑ ፡ ወኢታሐዩኑ ፡ በእንተ ፡ ፶ጻድቃን ፡ ኵሎ ፡ ብሔረ ።
That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
ሐሰ ፡ እግዚኦ ፡ ኢትግበር ፡ ዘንተ ፡ ነገረ ፡ ወኢትቅትል ፡ ጻድቃነ ፡ ምስለ ፡ ኃጥኣን ፡ ሐሰ ፡ ዘይኴንና ፡ ለኵላ ፡ ምድር ፡ ኢትግበር ፡ ዘንተ ፡ ደይነ ።
And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.
ወይቤሎ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ለአብርሃም ፡ ለእመ ፡ ረከብኩ ፡ በውስተ ፡ ሶዶም ፡ ሀገር ፡ ፶ጻድቃነ ፡ ኣድኅን ፡ ኵሎ ፡ ሀገረ ፡ በእንቲአሆሙ ።
And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the LORD, which am but dust and ashes:
ወአውሥአ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ወይቤ ፡ ይእዜ ፡ አኀዝኩ ፡ እትናገር ፡ ምስለ ፡ እግዚእየ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ወአንሰ ፡ መሬት ፡ ወሐመድ ፡ አነ ።
Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it.
ወእመኬ ፡ ውሕዱ ፡ እልክቱ ፡ ጻድቃን ፡ ኀምስተ ፡ ታማስኑ ፡ ኵሎ ፡ ሀገረ ፡ በእንተ ፡ ኀምስቱ ፡ እለ ፡ ውሕዱ ፡ ወይቤሎ ፡ እግዘእ ፡ እመ ፡ ረከብኩ ፡ በህየ ፡ ፵፭ኢያማስን ፡ በእንቲአሆሙ ።
And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure there shall be forty found there. And he said, I will not do it for forty's sake.
ወይቤሎ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ለእመኬ ፡ ተረክቡ ፡ በህየ ፡ ፵ወይቤሎ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ኢያማስን ፡ በእንተ ፡ ፵ ።
And he said unto him, Oh let not the LORD be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there.
ወደገመ ፡ ዓዲ ፡ ብሂሎቶ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ ወይቤሎ ፡ ወእመኬ ፡ ተረክቡ ፡ በህየ ፡ ፴ወይቤሎ ፡ ኢያማስን ፡ በእንተ ፡ ፴ ።
And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the LORD: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty's sake.
ወይቤሎ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ እስመ ፡ ተበዋሕኩ ፡ እትናገር ፡ ምስለ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ወለእመኬ ፡ ተረክቡ ፡ በህየ ፡ ፳ወይቤሎ ፡ ኢያማስን ፡ በእንተ ፡ ፳ ።
And he said, Oh let not the LORD be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake.
ወይቤ ፡ አብርሃም ፡ አብሐኒ ፡ እንብብ ፡ ዓዲ ፡ እግዚኦ ፡ ለእመኬ ፡ ተረክቡ ፡ በህየ ፡ ፲ወይቤሎ ፡ ኢያማስን ፡ በእንተ ፡ ፲ ።
And the LORD went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place.
ወሶበ ፡ አኅለቀ ፡ ተናግሮቶ ፡ ለአብርሃም ፡ ኀለፈ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ወአብርሃምኒ ፡ ገብአ ፡ ምንባሪሁ ።
Genesis 18
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