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Isaiah 8

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1 Moreover the LORD said unto me, Take thee a great roll, and write in it with a man's pen concerning Mahershalalhashbaz. ወይቤለኒ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ንሣእ ፡ ለከ ፡ ጦማረ ፡ ክርታስ ፡ ዐቢየ ፡ ወሕዲሰ ፡ ወጸሐፍ ፡ ለከ ፡ ውስቴቱ ፡ መጽሐፈ ፡ እለ ፡ እመሕያው ፡ ዘይብል ፡ ፍጡነ ፡ ፄውው ፡ ወማህርክ ።
2 And I took unto me faithful witnesses to record, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah. ወአስምዕ ፡ ለከ ፡ ሰብአ ፡ ምእመናነ ፡ አርያሃ ፡ ወዘካርያስሃ ፡ ወልደ ፡ በራክዩ ።
3 And I went unto the prophetess; and she conceived, and bare a son. Then said the LORD to me, Call his name Mahershalalhashbaz. ወሖርኩ ፡ ኀበ ፡ ብእሲት ፡ ነቢይት ፡ ወፀንሰት ፡ ወወለደት ፡ ወልደ ፡ ወይቤለኒ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ስምዮ ፡ ስሞ ፡ ፍጡነ ፡ ማህርክ ፡ ወርዉጸ ፡ ፄውው ።
4 For before the child shall have knowledge to cry, My father, and my mother, the riches of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria shall be taken away before the king of Assyria. እስመ ፡ ዘእንበለ ፡ ያእምር ፡ ሕፃን ፡ ሰምየ ፡ ስመ ፡ አቡሁ ፡ ወእሙ ፡ ይነሥእ ፡ ኀይለ ፡ ደማስቆ ፡ ወምህርካ ፡ ሰማርያ ፡ በቅድመ ፡ ንጉሠ ፡ ፋርስ ።
5 The LORD spake also unto me again, saying, ወይቤለኒ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ዳግመ ፡ ዓዲሂ ።
6 Forasmuch as this people refuseth the waters of Shiloah that go softly, and rejoice in Rezin and Remaliah's son; ምቱረ ፡ ተማከሩ ፡ ዝንቱ ፡ ሕዝብ ፡ በኀበ ፡ ማየ ፡ ሰሊሖም ፡ ዘየሐውር ፡ ጽምሚተ ፡ ወትፈቅዱ ፡ ትርከብዎ ፡ ለረአሶን ፡ ወታንግሡ ፡ ለክሙ ፡ ወልደ ፡ ሮማልዩ ።
7 Now therefore, behold, the Lord bringeth up upon them the waters of the river, strong and many, even the king of Assyria, and all his glory: and he shall come up over all his channels, and go over all his banks: በእንተ ፡ ዝንቱ ፡ ናሁ ፡ ያመጽእ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ላዕሌክሙ ፡ ማየ ፡ ፈለግ ፡ ብዙኀ ፡ ወኀይለ ፡ ንጉሠ ፡ ፋርስ ፡ በኵሉ ፡ ክብሩ ፡ ወየዐርግ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ቈላቲክሙ ፡ ወያንሶሱ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ኵሉ ፡ አረፋቲክሙ ።
8 And he shall pass through Judah; he shall overflow and go over, he shall reach even to the neck; and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel. ወያጠፍእ ፡ እምይሁዳ ፡ ብእሴ ፡ ተባዕተ ፡ ወያኀልቆሙ ፡ ለኀያላን ፡ ወይመልእ ፡ ተዓይኒሆሙ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ምድር ፡ ስፉሕ ፡ ወውስተ ፡ በሓውርት ፡ እስመ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ምስሌነ ።
9 Associate yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. አእምሩ ፡ አሕዛብ ፡ ወተመውኡ ፡ ስምዑ ፡ እስከ ፡ አጽናፈ ፡ ምድር ፡ ወተመውኡ ፡ ኀያላን ፤ ወእመሂ ፡ ካዕበ ፡ ጸናዕክሙ ፡ ካዕበ ፡ ትትመውኡ ።
10 Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God is with us. ወእመሂ ፡ መከርክሙ ፡ ምክረ ፡ ይመይጥ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ምክረክሙ ፡ ወነገርኒ ፡ ዘተናገርክሙ ፡ ኢይከውነክሙ ፡ እስመ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ አምላክነ ፡ ምስሌነ ።
11 For the LORD spake thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying, በእንተ ፡ ዝንቱ ፡ ከመዝ ፡ ይቤ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ፀባኦተ ፡ ክሕድዋ ፡ ለእድ ፡ ጽንዕት ፡ ወየሐውሩ ፡ ፍኖተ ፡ አሕዛብ ፡ ወይብሉ ፡ ዐጸበነ ።
12 Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid. ኢትበሉ ፡ ዐጸበነ ፡ ኵሉ ፡ ዘይብሉ ፡ ዝንቱ ፡ ሕዝባ ፡ ዕጹብ ፡ ውእቱ ። ኢትፍርሁ ፡ ትግርምቶሙ ፡ ወኢትደንግፁ ።
13 Sanctify the LORD of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. ለእግዚአብሔር ፡ ቀድስዎ ፡ ወውእቱ ፡ ይከውነከ ፡ ረዳኢከ ፡ ወግርማከ ።
14 And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. ወእመሂ ፡ ተወከልከ ፡ ይቄድሰከ ፡ ወኢያዐቅፈከ ፡ ከመ ፡ እብነ ፡ ዕቅፍት ፡ ወኢከመ ፡ ኰኵሕ ፡ ዘያድኅፅ ፡ ወቤተ ፡ ያዕቆብሰ ፡ ውስተ ፡ መሥገርት ፡ ወውስተ ፡ ዳኅፅ ፡ ይነብሩ ፡ በኢየሩሳሌም ።
15 And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken. ወበበይነ ፡ ዝንቱ ፡ ይደክሙ ፡ ብዙኃን ፡ እምውስቴትክሙ ፡ ወይወድቁ ፡ ወይትቀጠቀጡ ፡ ወይቀርቡ ፡ ወያሠግሩ ፡ ሰብአ ።
16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. ወያጸንዑ ፡ ይእተ ፡ አሚረ ፡ እመንቱ ፡ እለ ፡ የኀትምዋ ፡ ለኦሪት ፡ ከመ ፡ ኢይትመሀርዋ ።
17 And I will wait upon the LORD, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him. ወይብል ፡ እጸንሖ ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር ፡ ዘሜጠ ፡ ገጾ ፡ እምቤተ ፡ ያዕቆብ ፡ ወእትዌከል ፡ ቦቱ ፡
18 Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. አነ ፡ ወደቂቅየ ፡ ዘወሀበኒ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፤ አሜሃ ፡ ይከውን ፡ ተአምር ፡ ወመንክር ፡ ለእስራኤል ፡ እምቤተ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ፀባኦት ፡ ዘይነብር ፡ ውስተ ፡ ደብረ ፡ ጽዮን ።
19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? ወእመቦ ፡ ይቤሉክሙ ፡ ኅሥዎሙ ፡ ለእለ ፡ ይትናገሩክሙ ፡ እምታሕተ ፡ ምድር ፡ ወለእለ ፡ በፃውዕ ፡ እለ ፡ ይትናገሩ ፡ ከንቶ ፡ ወይነቡ ፡ ሐሰተ ፡ እምልቦሙ ፡ ሕዝብ ፡ ውፁኣን ፡ እምእግዚአብሔር ፡ እለ ፡ የኀሡ ፡ በእንተ ፡ ሕያዋን ፡ እምኀበ ፡ ምውታ ።
20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. እስመ ፡ ሕገ ፡ ወሀበ ፡ ለረድኤት ፡ ከመ ፡ ይበሉ ፡ ኢኮነ ፡ ከመዝ ፡ ነገሩ ፡ ወኢየሀቡ ፡ ሐፍሠ ።
21 And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward. በእንቲአሁ ፡ ወበዝ ፡ ይመጽእ ፡ ላዕሌክሙ ፡ ረኀብ ፡ ወእምከመ ፡ ርኀብክሙ ፡ ትቴክዙ ፡ ወትነቡ ፡ ሕሡመ ፡ ላዕለ ፡ መላእክት ፡ ወላዕለ ፡ መኳንንት ፡ ወትኔጽሩ ፡ ላዕለ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ሰማይ ።
22 And they shall look unto the earth; and behold trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish; and they shall be driven to darkness. ወታሕተ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ምድር ፡ ትሬእዩ ፡ ጽፉቀ ፡ ጽልመተ ፡ ወትትመነደቡ ፡ ዐቢየ ፡ ምንዳቤ ፡ ተሐሙ ፡ ወትጼነሱ ፡ ይጸልመክሙ ፡ ቅድሜክሙ ፡ ወኢትሬእዩ ፡ ወኢይትባላሕ ፡ ዘተመንደበ ፡ እሰከ ፡ አመ ፡ ይበጽሕ ፡ ዕድሜሁ ፡ ለዝ ።

Isaiah 8

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