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Kebra Nagast 2

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1 Come then, let us go back, and let us consider, and let us begin [to state] which of the kings of the earth, from the first even unto the last, in respect of the Law and the Ordinances and honour and greatness, we should magnify or decry. Gregory, the worker of wonders and miracles, [*3] who was cast into a cave because of [his] love for the martyrdom of Christ and suffered tribulation for fifteen years, said, "When I was in the pit I pondered over this matter, and over the folly of the Kings of Armenia, and I said, In so far as I can conceive it, [in] what doth the greatness of kings [consist]? Is it in the multitude of soldiers, or in the splendour of worldly possessions, or in extent of rule over cities and towns? This was my thought each time of my prayer, and my thought stirred me again and again to meditate upon the greatness of kings. And now I will begin." ሀቡኬ ፡ ንግባእ ፡ ወነሐስብ ፡ ወንወጥን ፡ ዘናዐቢ ፡ ወናሐጽጽ ፡ እምነገሥተ ፡ ምድር ፡ በሕግ ፡ ወበሥርዐት ፡ በክብር ፡ ወበዕበይ ፡ እምቀዳሚ ፡ እስከ ፡ ደኃሪ ፨ ተንሥአ ፡ ጎርጎርዮስ ፡ ገባሬ ፡ መንክር ፡ ዘተወድየ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ግብ ፡ በእንተ ፡ ፍቅረ ፡ ስምዐ ፡ ክርስቶስ ፡ ፲ወ፭ዓመተ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ምንዳቤ ፤ ውእቱ ፡ ይቤ ፤ እንዘ ፡ ሀለውኩ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ግብ ፡ ኀለይኩ ፡ በእንተዝ ፡ ነገር ፡ ወበእንተ ፡ እበዱ ፡ ለንጉሠ ፡ አርማንያ ፡ ወእቤ ፡ መጠነ ፡ ኅሊናየ ፡ ምንተ ፡ ዕበዮሙ ፡ በብዝኀ ፡ ሰራዊትኑ ፡ ወሚመ ፡ በክብረ ፡ ንዋየ ፡ ዓለም ፡ ወሚመ ፡ በብዝኀ ፡ ሢመተ ፡ አህጉር ፤ ወዘንተ ፡ ኀሊይየ ፡ ለለ ፡ ተረፈ ፡ ጸሎትየ ፡ የሀውከኒ ፡ ካዕበ ፡ ኅሊናየ ፡ ወእኄሊ ፡ በእንተ ፡ ዕበየ ፡ ነገሥት ፡ ወአኀዝኩ ፡ እወጥን ፨ ፨ ፨

Kebra Nagast 2

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