መዝገበ ቃላት
ምግሳስ ግስ
ምእላድ ግስ
ቤት ትምህርቲ
መጻሕፍተ ግእዝ
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Book of Jubilees 15
During the fifth year of the fourth week of this jubilee [1986] — in the third month, in the middle of the month — Abram celebrated the festival of the firstfruits of the wheat harvest.
ወበዓመት ኃምስ ዘሱባዔ ዘራብዑ ለኢዮቤልውን ዝንቱ በወርኅ ሣልስ በመንፈቀ ወርኅ ገብረ አብራም በዓለ ቀዳሜ ማእረረ ዘዘርአ ሥርናይ
He offered as a new sacrifice on the altar the firstfruits of the food for the Lord — a bull, a ram, and a sheep; (he offered them) on the altar as a sacrifice to the Lord together with their (cereal) offerings and their libations. He offered everything on the altar with frankincense.
ወአዕረገ መሥዋዕተ ሐዲስ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ ቀዳሜ እክል ለእግዚአብሔር። ላህመ ወበሐኰ ወበግዐ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ ጽንሓሐ ለእግዚአብሔር ወመሥዋዕቶሙ ወሞጻሕቶሙ አዕረገ ኵሎ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ ምስለ ስኂን።
The Lord appeared to him, and the Lord said to Abram: ‘I am the God of Shaddai. Please me and be perfect,
ወአስተርአዮ እግዚአብሔር ወይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ለአብራም አነ አምላከ ሰዳይ ወአሥምር በቅድሜየ ወኩን ፍጹመ
I will place my covenant between me and you. I will increase you greatly’.
ወእሁብ ኪዳንየ ማእከሌየ ወማእከሌከ ወአልህቀከ ጥቀ
Then Abram fell prostrate. The Lord spoke with him and said:
ወወድቀ አብራም በገጹ ወተናገሮ እግዚአብሔር ወይቤ
‘My pact is now with you. I will make you the father of many nations.
ናሁ ሥርዓትየ ምስሌከ ወእሬስየከ አበ ለብዙኃን አሕዛብ።
You will no longer be called Abram; your name from now to eternity is to be Abraham because I have designated you the father of many nations.
ወኢይጼዋዕ እንከ ስምከ አብራም ወይኩን ስምከ እምይእዜ ወእስከ ለዓለም አብርሃም እስመ አበ ብዙኃን አሕዛብ ሤምኩከ
1 will make you very great. I will make you into nations, and kings shall emerge from you.
ወአዐብየከ ጥቀ። ወእሁበከ ውስተ አሕዛብ ወነገሥት ይወፅኡ እምኔከ
I will place my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations and as an eternal pact so that I may be God to you and to your descendants after you.
ወእሁብ ኪዳንየ ማእከሌየ ወማእከሌከ ወማእከለ ዘርእከ እምድኅሬከ በትዝምዶሙ ወለሥርዓት ዘለዓለም ከመ እኩንከ አምላከ ወለዘርእከ እምድኅሬከ
[To you and your descendants after you I will give] the land where you have resided as an alien — the land of Canaan which you will rule forever. I will be their God’.
[ወእሁብ ለከ ወለዘርእከ እምድኅሬከ] ምድረ ኀበ ፈለስከ ምድረ ከናአን ዘትኴንን ለዓለም ወእከውኖሙ አምላከ።
Then the Lord said to Abraham: ‘As for you, keep my covenant — you and your descendants after you. Circumcise all your males; circumcise your foreskins. It will be a sign of my eternal pact (which is) between me and you.
ወይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ለአብርሃም ወአንተኒ ኪዳንየ ዕቀብ አንተ ወዘርእከ እምድኅሬከ ተከሰቡ ኵሎ ሮስክሙ ወተከሰቡ ቍልፈተክሙ ወይከውን ትእምርተ ሥርዓትየ ዘለዓለም ማእከሌየ ወማእከሌክሙ
You will circumcise a child on the eighth day — every male in your families: the person (who has been born in your) house, the one whom you purchased with money from any foreigners — whom you have acquired who is not from your descendants.
ወለወልድ አመ ሳምንት ዕለት ትከስብዎ ኵሎ ሮሰ በትዝምድክሙ ወልደ ቤት። ወዘበወርቅ ተሣየጥክሙ እምኵሉ ውሉደ ነኪር ዘአጥረይክሙ ዘኢኮነ እምዘርእከ
The person who is born in your house must be circumcised; and those whom you purchased with money are to be circumcised. My covenant will be in your flesh as an eternal pact.
ክስበተ ይትከሰብ ልደ ቤትከ ወዘበወርቅ ተሣየጥከ ይትከሰቡ። ወይከውን ኪዳንየ ውስተ ሥጋክሙ ለሥርዓት ዘለዓለም
The male who has not been circumcised — the flesh of whose foreskin has not been circumcised on the eighth day — that person will be uprooted from his people because he has violated my covenant’.
ወዘኢኮነ ክሱበ ሮስ ዘኢተከስበ ሥጋ ቍልፈቱ በዕለተ ሳምንት ትሤሮ ይእቲ ነፍስ እምዘመዳ እስመ ኪዳንየ ነሠተ።
The Lord said to Abraham: ‘Your wife Sarai will no longer be called Sarai for her name will be Sarah.
ወይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ለአብርሃም ሶራ ብእሲትከ ኢትጸዋዕ እንከ ስማ ሶራ እስመ ሳራ ስማ።
I will bless her. I will give you a son from her and will bless him. He will become a nation, and kings of nations will come from him’.
ወእባርካ ወእሁበከ እምኔሃ ወልደ ወእባርኮ ወይከውን ሕዝበ ወነገሥተ አሕዛብ እምኔሁ ይከውኑ።
Abraham fell prostrate and was very happy. He said to himself: ‘Will a son be born to one who is 100 years of age? Will Sarah who is 90 years of age give birth (to a child)’?
ወወድቀ አብርሃም በገጹ ወተፈሥሐ ወይቤ በልቡ እመ ለዘ ምእትኑ ዓመቱ ይትወለድ ወልድ ወሳራሂ እንተ ተስዓ ዓመታ ትወልድ።
(So) Abraham said to the Lord: ‘I wish that Ishmael could live in your presence’.
ወይቤሎ አብርሃም ለእግዚአብሔር መፍትው ይሕየው ይስማዔል ቅድሜከ።
The Lord said: ‘Very well, but Sarah, too, will give birth to a son for you and you will name him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an eternal covenant and for his descendants after him.
ወይቤ እግዚአብሔር ኦሆ። ወሳራሂ ትወልድ ለከ ወልደ ወትጼውዕ ስሞ ይስሐቅ። ወአቀውም ኪዳንየ ምስሌሁ ኪዳነ ዘለዓለም ወለዘርኡ እምድኅሬሁ
Regarding Ishmael I have listened to you. I will indeed bless him, increase him, and make him very numerous. He will father 12 princes, and I will make him into a large nation.
ወበእንተ ይስማዔልሂ ሰማዕኩከ ወናሁ እባርኮ ወአልህቆ ወአበዝኆ ጥቀ። ወዓሠርተ ወክልኤተ መላእክተ ይወልድ ወእሰይሞ ውስተ ሕዝብ ዐቢይ።
But my covenant I will estabhsh with Isaac to whom Sarah will give birth for you at this time next year’.
ወኪዳንየ አቀውም ምስለ ይስሐቅ ዘትውልድ ለከ ሳራ በዝ መዋዕል በዓመት ካልእ።
When he had finished speaking with him, the Lord went up from Abraham.
ወፈጺሞ እንዘ ይትናገር ምስሌሁ ወዐርገ እግዚአብሔር እመልዕልተ አብርሃም።
Abraham did as the Lord told him. He took his son Ishmael, everyone who was born in his house and who had been purchased with money — every male who was in his house — and circumcised the flesh of their foreskins.
ወገብረ አብርሃም በከመ ይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ወነሥአ ይስማዔልሃ ወልዶ ወኵሎ ልደ ቤቱ ወዘሂ በወርቅ ተሣየጠ ኵሎ ሮሰ ዘውስተ ቤቱ ወከሰበ ሥጋ ምክሳቦሙ።
On the same day Abraham was circumcised; [those who were born in his house], the men of his household, and all those who had been purchased with money (even from foreigners) were circumcised with him.
ወበጊዜ ዛቲ ዕለት ተከስበ አብርሃም [ወልደ ቤቱ] ወሰብአ ቤቱ ወኵሎሙ እለ በወርቅ ተሣየጠ ወእምውሉደ ነኪራንኒ ተከስቡ ምስሌሁ።
This law is (valid) for all history forever. There is no circumcising of days, nor omitting any day of the eight days because it is an eternal ordinance ordained and written on the heavenly tablets.
ወዝሕግ ለኵሉ ትውልድ ዘለዓለም ወአልቦ ክስበተ መዋዕል። ወአልቦ ተዐድዎ አሐተ ዕለተ እምሰማኒ መዋዕል እስመ ሥርዓት ዘለዓለም ውእቱ ሥሩዕ ወጽሑፍ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ።
Anyone who is born, the flesh of whose private parts has not been circumcised by the eighth day does not belong to the people of the pact which the Lord made with Abraham but to the people (meant for) destruction. Moreover, there is no sign on him that he belongs to the Lord, but (he is meant) for destruction, for being destroyed from the earth, and for being uprooted from the earth because he has violated the covenant of the Lord our God.
ወኵሉ ዘትውልደ ዘኢተከስበ ሥጋ ነፍስቱ እስከ ሰሙን ዕለት ኢኮነ እምውሉደ ሥርዓት ዘትካየደ እግዚአብሔር ለአብርሃም እስመ እምነ ውሉደ ሙስና። ወአልቦ እንከ ትእምርተ ላዕሌሁ ከመ ይኩን ለእግዚአብሔር እስመ ለአማስኖ ወለተሐጕሎ እምነ ምድር ወለተሠርዎ እምነ ምድር እስመ ኪዳኖ ለእግዚአብሔር አምላክነ ነሠተ
For this is what the nature of all the angels of the presence and all the angels of hohness was like from the day of their creation. In front of the angels of the presence and the angels of holiness he sanctified Israel to be with him and his holy angels.
እስመ ኵሎሙ መላእክተ ገጽ። ወኵሎሙ መላእክተ ቅዳሴ ከመዝ ፍጥረቶሙ እምዕለተ ፍጥረቶሙ ወአንጸሮሙ ለመላእክተ ገጽ ወለመላእክተ ቅዳሴ ቀደሶ ለእስራኤል ከመ ይኩን ምስሌሁ ወምስለ መላእክቲሁ ቅዱሳን።
Now you command the Israelites to keep the sign of this covenant throughout their history as an eternal ordinance so that they may not be uprooted from the earth
ወአንተኒ አዝዝ ለውሉደ እስራኤል ወይዕቀቡ ትእምርተዝ ኪዳን ለትውልዶሙ ለሥርዓት ዘለዓለም ወኢይሠረው እምነ ምድር
because the command has been ordained as a covenant so that they should keep it forever on all the Israehtes.
እስመ ትእዛዝ ተሠርዐ ለኪዳን ከመ ይዕቀብዎ ለዓለም። ዲበ ኵሎሙ ደቂቀ እስራኤል
For the Lord did not draw near to himself either Ishmael, his sons, his brothers, or Esau. He did not choose them (simply) because they were among Abraham’s children, for he knew them. But he chose Israel to be his people.
እስመ ይስማዔልሃ ወውሉዶ ወአኃዊሁ ወዔሳውሃ ኢያቅረቦ ኀቤሁ እግዚአብሔር ወኢኀረየ ቦሙ እስመ እምውሉደ አብርሃም እሙንቱ እስመ አእመሮሙ ወእስራኤልሃ ኀረየ ይኩንዎ ሕዝበ
He sanctified them and gathered (them) from all mankind. For there are many nations and many peoples and all belong to him. He made spirits rule over all in order to lead them astray from following him.
ወቀደሶ ወአስተጋብአ እምኵሉ ውሉደ ሰብእ። እስመ ብዙኅ አሕዛብ ወብዙኅ ሕዝብ ወኵሉ ሎቱ ወዲበ ኵሉ አስለጠ መናፍስተ ከመ ያስሕቶሙ እምድኅሬሁ
But over Israel he made no angel or spirit rule because he alone is their ruler. He will guard them and require them for himself from his angels, his spirits, and everyone, and all his powers so that he may guard them and bless them and so that they may be his and he theirs from now and forever.
ወዲበ እስራኤልሰ ኢያስለጠ ወኢመነሂ መልአከ ወመንፈሰ። እስመ ውእቱ ባሕቲቱ መኰንኖሙ ወውእቱ የዐቅቦሙ ወይትኀሠሦሙ እምእደ መላእክቲሁ ወእምነ መናፍስቲሁ ወእምእደ ኵሉ ወኵሉ ትእዛዛቲሁ ከመ ይዕቀቦሙ ወይባርኮሙ ወይኩንዎ ሎቱ ወውእቱ ይኩኖሙ ሎሙ እምይእዜ ወእስከ ለዓለም።
I am now telling you that the Israelites will prove false to this ordinance. They will not circumcise their sons in accord with this entire law because they will leave some of the flesh of their circumcision when they circumcise their sons. All the people of Belial will leave their sons uncircumcised just as they were born.
ወይእዜኒ አነ እዜንወከ ከመ በዛቲ ሥርዓት ይሔስዉ ውሉደ እስራኤል ወኢይከስቡ ውሉዶሙ በከመ ኵሉ ዝሕግ እስመ እምሥጋ ክስበቶሙ ይከውኑ መትርፋነ ውስተ ክስበተ ውሉዶሙ ወኵሎሙ ውሉደ ቤልአር የኀድጉ ውሉዶሙ ዘእንበለ ክስበት በከመ ተወልዱ።
Then there will be great anger from the Lord against the Israelites because they neglected his covenant, departed from his word, provoked, and blasphemed in that they did not perform the ordinance of this sign. For they have made themselves like the nations so as to be removed and uprooted from the earth. They will no longer have forgiveness or pardon so that they should be pardoned and forgiven for every sin, for (their) violation of this eternal (ordinance).
ወትከውን መዓት ላዕለ ውሉደ እስራኤል ዐባይ እምኀበ እግዚአብሔር እስመ ኀደጉ ኪዳኖ ወእምቃሉ ተግኅሡ ወወሐኩ ወፀረፉ በከመ ኢገብሩ ሥርዓቶ ለዝ ትእምርተ። እስመ ገብሩ ነፍሳቲሆሙ ከመ አሕዛብ ለሰስሎ ወለተሠርዎ እምድር ወአልቦ እንከ ሎሙ ኅድገተ ወስርየተ ከመ ይስረይ ወይትኀደጉ እምኩሉ ኀጢአት ለስሕተተ ዛቲ ዘለዓለም።
Book of Jubilees 15
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