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Book of Jubilees 17

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1 In the first year of the fifth week [1989], in this jubilee, Isaac was weaned. Abraham gave a large banquet in the third month, on the day when his son Isaac was weaned. ወበአሐዱ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ኃምስ ኀደገ ጥበ ይስሐቅ በዝንቱ ኢዮቤልዉ ወገብረ አብርሃም ግዝአ ዐቢየ በወርኅ ሣልስ በዕለተ ኀድገ ጥበ ወልዱ ደስሐቅ።
2 Now Ishmael, the son of Hagar the Egyptian, was in his place in front of his father Abraham. Abraham was very happy and blessed the Lord because he saw his own sons and had not died childless. ወይስማዔል ወልዳ ለአጋር ግብጻዊት በቅድመ ገጹ ለአብርሃም አቡሁ በመካኑ ወተፈሥሐ አብርሃም ወባረኮ ለእግዚአብሔር እስመ ርእየ ሎቱ ውሉዶ ወኢሞተ ዘእንበለ ውሉድ
3 He remembered the message which he had told him on the day when Lot had separated from him. He was very happy because the Lord had given him descendants on the earth to possess the land. With his full voice he blessed the creator of everything. ወተዘከረ ቃሎ ዘተናገሮ በዕለተ ተፈልጠ ሎጥ እምኔሁ። ወተፈሥሐ እስመ ወሀቦ እግዚአብሔር ዘርአ በዲበ ምድር ከመ ይረሳ ለምድር። ወባራኮ በኵሉ አፉሁ ለፈጣሬ ኵሉ።
4 When Sarah saw Ishmael playing and dancing and Abraham being extremely happy, she became jealous of Ishmael. She said to Abraham: ‘Banish this girl and her son because this girl’s son will not be an heir with my son Isaac’. ወርእየቶ ለይስማዔል ሳራ እንዘ ይትዋነይ ወይዘፍን ወአብርሃምኒ እንዘ ይትፌሣሕ ፍሥሓ ዐቢየ ወቀንአት ለይስማዔል። ወትቤሎ ለአብርሃም ስድድ ዛተ ወለተ ወወልዳ እስመ ኢይወርስ ወልዳ ለዛ ወለት ምስለ ወልድየ ይስሐቅ።
5 In Abraham’s opinion the command regarding his servant girl and his son — that he should banish them from himself — was saddening, ወማሕዝን ቃሉ በቅድመ አዕይንተ አብርሃም በእንተ አመቱ ወበእንተ ወልዱ ከመ ይስድዶሙ እምኀቤሁ።
6 but the Lord said to Abraham: ‘It ought not to be a sad thing in your opinion regarding the child and the girl. Listen to everything that Sarah says to you and do (it) because through Isaac you will have a reputation and descendants. ወይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ለአብርሃም ኢይኩን ሐዘን በቅድመ አዕይንቲከ በእንተ ሕፃን ወበእንተ ወለት ኵሎ ዘትቤለከ ሳራ ስማዕ ንባባ ወግበር እስመ በይስሐቅ ይጼዋዕ ለከ ስም ወዘርእ
7 Now with regard to this girl’s son — I will make him into a large nation because he is one of your descendants’. ወበእንተ ወልዳስ ለዛ ወለት ውስተ ዐቢይ ሕዝብ እሬስዮ እስመ እምዘርእከ ውእቱ።
8 So Abraham rose early in the morning, took food and a bottle of water, placed them on the shoulders of Hagar and the child, and sent her away. ወጌሠ አብርሃም በነግህ ወነሥአ ሐባውዘ ወዝቀ ማይ ወአስከማ ለአጋር ወለሕፃን ወፈነዋ
9 She went and wandered about in the wilderness of Beersheba. When the water in the bottle was gone, the child grew thirsty. He was unable to go on and fell. ወሖረት ወታንጌጊ በገዳመ ቤርሳቦ ወተፈጸመ ማይ እምዝቅ ወጸምአ ሕፃን ወስእነ ሐዊረ ወወድቀ።
10 His mother took him and, going on, she threw him under an olive tree. Then she went and sat opposite him at a distance of a bowshot, for she said: ‘May I not see the death of my child’. When she sat down she cried. ወነሥአቶ እሙ ወሐዊራ ገደፈቶ ታሕተ አሐቲ ኤልያስ ወሖረት ወነበረት አንጻሮ መጠነ አሐቲ ምንዳፍ እስመ ትቤ ኢይርአይ ሞቶ ለሕፃንየ ወነቢራ በከየት።
11 An angel of God — one of the holy ones — said to her: ‘What are you crying about, Hagar? Get up, take the child, and hold him in your arms, because the Lord has heard you and has seen the child’. ወይቤላ መልአክ አምላክ አሐዱ እምቅዱሳን ምንተ ትበክዪ አንቲ አጋር ተንሢአኪ ንሥእዮ ለሕፃን ወአኀዝዮ በእዴኪ እስመ ሰምዐ እግዚአብሔር ቃለኪ ወርእዮ ለሕፃን።
12 She opened her eyes and saw a well of water. So she went, filled her bottle with water, and gave her child a drink. Then she set out and went toward the wilderness of Paran. ወከሠተት አዕይንቲሃ ወርእየት ዐዘቅተ ማይ ወሖረት ወመልአት ዝቃ ማየ ወአስተየት ሕፃና። ወተንሥአት ወሖረት መንገለ በድወ ፍራም።
13 When the child grew up, he became an archer and the Lord was with him. His mother took a wife for him from the Egyptian girls. ወልህቀ ሕፃን ወኮነ ነዳፌ ወሀሎ እግዚአብሔር ምስሌሁ ወነሥአት ሎሙ እሙ ብእሲተ እምአዋልደ ግብጽ
14 She gave birth to a son for him, and he named him Nebaioth, for she said: ‘The Lord was close to me when I called to him’. ወወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ናቤዎት እስመ ትቤ ቅሩብ እግዚአብሔር ሊተ ሶበ ጸዋዕክዎ
15 During the seventh week, in the first year during the first month — on the twelfth of this month — in this jubilee [2003], there were voices in heaven regarding Abraham, that he was faithful in everything that he told him, (that) the Lord loved him, and (that) in every difficulty he was faithful. ወኮነ በሱባዔ ሳብዕ በቀዳሚ ዓመት በወርኅ ቀዳሚ በዝ ኢዮቤልዉ አመ ዐሡሩ ወሰኑዩ ለዝ ወርኅ ኮነ ቃላት በሰማያት በእንተ አብርሃም። ከመ ውእቱ መሀይምን በኵሉ ዘይትናገሮ ወያፈቅሮ እግዚአብሔር። ወበኵሉ ምንዳቤ ኮነ ምእመነ።
16 Then Prince Mastema came and said before God: ‘Abraham does indeed love his son Isaac and finds him more pleasing than anyone else. Tell him to offer him as a sacrifice on an altar. Then you will see whether he performs this order and will know whether he is faithful in everything through which you test him’. ወመጽአ መኰንን መስቴማ ወይቤ ቅድሜሁ ለአምላክ ናሁ አብርሃም ያፈቅሮ ለይስሐቅ ወልዱ ወያስተአድሞ ኪያሁ እምኵሉ። በሎ ያዕርጎ ጽንሐሐ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ ወአንተ ትሬኢ ለእመ ይገብር ዘንተ ቃለ ወታአምር ለእመ ወሀይምን ውእቱ በኵሉ ዘታሜክሮ።
17 Now the Lord was aware that Abraham was faithful in every difficulty which he had told him. For he had tested him through his land and the famine; he had tested him through the wealth of kings; he had tested him again through his wife when she was taken forcibly, and through circumcision; and he had tested him through Ishmael and his servant girl Hagar when he sent them away. ወእግዚአብሔር ያአምር ከመ መሃይምን አብርሃም በኵሉ ምንዳቤ ዘይቤሎ እስመ አመክሮ በምድሩ ወበዐባር ወአመከሮ በብዕለ ነገሥት። ወአመከሮ ካዕበ በብእሲቱ እንዘ ትትሀየድ ወበክስበት ወአመክሮ በይስማዔል ወበአጋር አመቱ አመ ፈነዎሙ።
18 In everything through which he tested him he was found faithful. He himself did not grow impatient, nor was he slow to act; for he was faithful and one who loved the Lord. ወበኵሉ በዘአመከሮ ተረክበ ምእመነ ወኢተአንተለ ነፍሱ ወኢጐንደየ ገቢሮቶ እስመ ምእመን ወመፍቀሬ እግዚአብሔር።

Book of Jubilees 17

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