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Book of Jubilees 20

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1 During the forty-second jubilee, in the first year of the seventh week [2052], Abraham summoned Ishmael and his twelve children, Isaac and his two children, and the six children of Keturah and their sons. ወበአርብዓ ወክልኤቱ ኢዮቤልዉ በዓመት ቀዳሚ ዘሱባዔ ሳብዕ ጸውዐ አብርሃም ይስማዔልሃ ወዐሠርተ ወክልኤተ ደቂቆ ወይስሐቅሃ ወክልኤሆሙ ደቂቆ ወስድስተ ደቂቀ ኬጡራ ወውሉዶሙ
2 He ordered them to keep the way of the Lord so that they would do what is right and that they should love one another; that they should be like this in every war so that they could go against each one (who was) against them; and do what is just and right on the earth; ወአዘዞሙ ከመ ይዕቀቡ ፍኖተ እግዚአብሔር ከመ ይግበሩ ጽድቀ ወያፍቅር አሐዱ አሐዱ ቢጾ ወከመ ይኩኑ ከማሁ በውስተ ኵሉ ፀብእ ከመ ይሖሩ ዲበ አሐዱ ላዕሌሆሙ ወለገቢረ ፍትሕ ወጽድቅ በዲበ ምድር
3 that they should circumcise their sons in the covenant which he had made with them; that they should not deviate to the right or left from all the ways which the Lord commanded us; that we should keep ourselves from all sexual impurity and uncleanness; and that we should dismiss all uncleanness and sexual impurity from among us. ከመ ይክስቡ ውሉዶሙ በኪዳን እንተ ተካየደ ምስሌሆሙ ወከመ ኢይትዐደዉ የማነ ወፀጋመ እምኵሎን ፍናዌ ዘአዘዘነ እግዚአብሔር ወከመ ንትዐቀብ እምኵሉ ዝሙት ወርኵስ ወከመ ንኅድግ እማእከሌነ ኵሎ ርኵሰ ወዝሙተ።
4 If any woman or girl among you commits a sexual offence, burn her in fire; they are not to commit sexual offences (by) following their eyes and their hearts so that they take wives for themselves from the Canaanite women, because the descendants of Canaan will be uprooted from the earth. ወእመ ዘመወት ለክሙ ኵላ ብእሲት ወእመኒ ወለት አውዕይዋ በእሳት ወኢይዘምዋ ድኅረ አዕይንቲሆን ወልቦንሂ ከመ ይንሥኡ ሎሙ ብእሲተ እምነ አዋልደ ከናአን እስመ ይሤሮ ዘርአ ከናአን እምድር።
5 He told them about the punishment of the giants and the punishment of Sodom — how they were condemned because of their wickedness; because of the sexual impurity, uncleanness, and corruption among themselves they died in (their) sexual impurity. ወነገሮሙ ኵነኔሆሙ ለረዐይት ወኵነኔ ሰዶም ከመ ተኰነኑ በእንተ እከዮሙ በእንተ ዝሙት ወርኵስ ወሙስና በበይናቲሆሙ በዝሙት ሞቱ።
6 ‘Now you keep yourselves from all sexual impurity and uncleanness and from all the contamination of sin so that you do not make our name into a curse, your entire lives into a (reason for) hissing and all your children into something that is destroyed by the sword. Then you will be accursed like Sodom, and all who remain of you like the people of Gomorrah. ወአንትሙኒ ተዐቀቡ እምኵሉ ዝሙት ወርኵስ ወእምኵሉ ግማኔ ኀጢአት ከመ ኢተሀቡ ስመነ ለመርገም ወኵሎ ሕይወተክሙ ለትምክሕት ወኵሎ ውሉደክሙ ለሙስና በሰይፍ ወትከውኑ ርጉማነ ከመ ሰዶም ወኵሉ ተረፍክሙ ከመ ውሉደ ገሞራ።
7 I testify to you my sons: love the God of heaven and hold fast to all his commandments. Do not follow their idols and their uncleanness. አነ አሰምዕ ለክሙ ውሉድየ አፍቅርዎ ለአምላከ ሰማይ ወተፀመዱ ኵሎ ትእዛዞ ወኢትሖሩ ድኅረ ጣዖቶሙ ወድኅረ ርኵሶሙ።
8 Do not make for yourselves gods that are molten images or statues because they are something empty and have no spirit in them. For they are made by hands, and all who trust in them all trust in nothing at all. Do not worship them or bow to them. ወአማልክተ ስብኮ ኢትግበሩ ለክሙ ወግልፈዋተ እስመ ከንቱ ውእቱ። ወኢምንተኒ መንፈስ አልቦሙ እስመ ግብረ እደው እሙንቱ ወኵሎሙ እለ ይትዌከሉ ቦሙ ወኢበምንትኒ ኵሎሙ ተወከሉ ኢታምልክዎሙ ወኢትስግዱ ሎሙ
9 Rather, worship the most high God and bow to him continually. Look expectantly for his presence at all times, and do what is right and just before him so that he may be delighted with you, give you his favor, and make the rain to fall for you morning and evening; bless everything that you do — all that you have done on the earth; bless your food and water; and bless the products of your loins, the products of your land, the herds of your cattle, and the flocks of your sheep. አላ አምልኩ አምላከ ልዑለ ወስግዱ ሎቱ ወትረ ወተሰፈዉ ገጸ ዚአሁ በኵሉ ጊዜ ወግብሩ ጽድቀ ወርትዐ በቅድሜሁ ከመ ይፍተው ላዕሌክሙ ወየሀብክሙ ምሕረቶ ወያውርድ ለክሙ ዝናመ ነግህ ወሰርክ። ወይባርክ ኵሎ ተግባረክሙ ኵሎ ዘተገበርክሙ በዲበ ምድር ወይባርክ እክለከ ወማየከ ወይባርክ ዘርአ ከርሥከ ወዘርአ ምድርከ ወመራዕየ አልህምቲከ። ወመራዕየ አባግዒከ
10 You will become a blessing on the earth, and all the nations of the earth will be delighted with you. They will bless your sons in my name so that they may be blessed as I am’. ወትከውን ለበረከት በዲበ ምድር ወይፈትዉክሙ ኵሎሙ አሕዛበ ምድር። ወይባርኩ ውሉድክሙ በስምየ ከመ ይኩኑ ቡሩካነ በከመ አነ።
11 When he had given gifts to Ishmael, his sons, and Keturah’s sons and sent them away from his son Isaac, he gave everything to his son Isaac. ወወሀቦ ለይስማዔል ወለውሉዱ ወለውሉደ ኬጡራ ሀብተ ወፈነዎሙ እምይስሐቅ ወልዱ ወኵሎ ወሀቦ ለይስሐቅ ወልዱ
12 Ishmael, his sons, Keturah’s sons, and their sons went together and settled from Paran as far as the entrance of Babylon — in all the land toward the east opposite the desert, ወሖረ ይስማዔል ወውሉዱ ወውሉደ ኬጡራ ወውሉዶሙ ኅቡረ ወኀደሩ እምፋርሞን እስከ ምብዋአ ባቢሎን ውስተ ኵሉ ምድር እንተ ገጸ ጽባሕ አንጻረ ገዳም።
13 They mixed with one another and were called Arabs and Ishmaelites. ወተደመሩ እሉ ምስለ እሉ ወተጸውዐ ስሞሙ ዐረብ ወእስማዔላዊያን።

Book of Jubilees 20

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