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Book of Jubilees 31

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1 On the first of the month Jacob told all the people of his household: ‘Purify yourselves and change your clothes; we are to set out and go up to Bethel where I made a vow, on the day that I ran away from my brother Esau, to the one who has been with me and brought me back safely to this land. Remove the foreign gods which are among you’. ወበሠርቀ ወርኅ ነገረ ያዕቆብ ለኵሉ ሰብአ ቤቱ እንዘ ይብል ንጹሑ ወወልጡ አልባሲክሙ ወተንሢአነ ንዕርግ ቤቴል በኀበ ጸለይኩ ሎቱ ጸሎተ አመ ዕለተ ጐየይኩ እምገጸ ዔሳው እኁየ ዘውእቱ ምስሌየ ወሜጠኒ ውስተ ዛቲ ምድር በሰላም ወአሰስሉ አማልክተ ነኪር እለ ማእከሌክሙ።
2 They handed over the foreign gods, their earrings and necklaces, and the idols that Rachel had stolen from her father Laban. She gave everything to Jacob, and he burned them, broke them into pieces, ruined them, and hid them beneath the oak which is in the land of Shechem. ወመሰውዎሙ ለአማልክተ ነኪር ወዘውስተ እዘኒሆሙ ወዘውስተ ክሳውዲሆሙ ወጣዖተ ዘሰረቀት ራሔል እምኀበ ላባ አቡሃ ወወሀበት ኵሎ ለያዕቆብ ወአውዐዮ ወጸተሞ ወአማስኖ ወኀብኦ ታሕተ ድርዮስ ዘሀሎ ውስተ ምድረ ሰቂሞን።
3 On the first of the seventh month he went up to Bethel. He built an altar at the place where he had slept and had set up a pillar. He sent word to his father Isaac and to his mother Rebecca as well to come to him to his sacrifice. ወዐርገ አመ ሠርቀ ወርኅ ሳብዕ ውስተ ቤቴሌ ወሐነጸ ምሥዋዐ ውስተ መካን ኀበ ኖመ ህየ ወአቀመ ህየ ሐውልተ። ወለአከ ኀበ አቡሁ ይስሐቅ ከመ ይምጻእ ኀቤሁ ውስተ መሥዋዕቱ ወኀበ እሙሂ ርብቃ።
4 Isaac said: ‘Let my son Jacob come so that I can see him before I die’. ወይቤ ይስሐቅ ይምጻእ ወልድየ ያዕቆብ ወእርአዮ ዘእንበለ እሙት።
5 Jacob went to his father Isaac and his mother Rebecca in the house of his father Abraham. He took two of his sons with him — Levi and Judah. He came to his father Isaac and his mother Rebecca. ወሖረ ያዕቆብ ኀበ አቡሁ ይስሐቅ ወኀበ እሙ ርብቃ ውስተ ቤቱ ለአቡሁ አብርሃም ወክልኤተ እምውሉዱ ነሥአ ምስሌሁ ሌዊሃ ወይሁዳሃ ወመጽአ ኀበ አቡሁ ይስሐቅ ወኀበ እሙ ርብቃ።
6 Rebecca went out of the tower into the tower gates to kiss Jacob and hug him because she had revived at the time she heard (the report): ‘Your son Jacob has now arrived’. She kissed him. ወወፅአት ርብቃ እማኅፈድ ውስተ አንቀጸ ማኅፈድ ከመ ትስዐሞ ለያዕቆብ ወትሕቅፎ። እስመ ሐይወ መንፈሳ በጊዜ ሰምዐት ናሁ ያዕቆብ ወልድኪ በጽሐ ወሰዐመቶ
7 When she saw his two sons, she recognized them. She said to him: ‘Are these your sons, my son’? She hugged them, kissed them, and blessed them as follows: ‘Through you Abraham’s descendants will become famous. You will become a blessing on the earth’. ወርእየት ክልኤሆሙ ውሉዶ። ወአእመረቶሙ ወትቤሎ እሉሰ ውሉድከኑ ወልድየ። ወሐቀፈቶሙ ወሰዐመቶሙ ወባረከቶሙ እንዘ ትብል ብክሙ ይከብር ዘርአ አብርሃም ወአንትሙ ትከውኑ ለበረከት በዲበ ምድር።
8 Jacob went in to his father Isaac, to his bedroom where he was lying down. His two children were with him. He took his father’s hand, bent down, and kissed him. Isaac hung on his son Jacob’s neck and cried on his neck. ወቦአ ያዕቆብ ኀበ ይስሐቅ አቡሁ ውስተ ጽርሑ ኀበ ይሰክብ ህየ። ወክልኤቱ ደቂቁ ምስሌሁ። ወአኀዘ እደ አቡሁ ወደኒኖ ሰዐሞ ወተሰቅለ ይስሐቅ ውስተ ክሳደ ያዕቆብ ወልዱ ወበከየ ዲበ ክሳዱ
9 Then the shadow passed from Isaac’s eyes and he saw Jacob’s two sons — Levi and Judah — and said: ‘Are these your sons, my son, because they look like you’? ወጽላሌ ኀለፈ እምአዕይንተ ይስሐቅ ወርእየ ክልኤሆሙ ውሉዶ ለያዕቆብ ሌዊሃ ወይሁዳሃ። ወይቤ ውሉድከሁ እሉ ወልድየ እስመ ይመስሉከ
10 He told him that they were indeed his sons: ‘You have noticed correctly that they are indeed my sons’. ወነገሮ ከመ በአማን ውሉዱ እሙንቱ ወአማን ርኢከ ከመ በአማን ውሉድየ እሙንቱ።
11 When they came up to him, he turned and kissed them and hugged both of them together. ወቀርቡ ኀቤሁ ወተመይጠ ወሰዐሞሙ ወሐቀፎሙ ለኵሎሙ ኅቡረ።
12 A spirit of prophecy descended into his mouth. He took Levi by his right hand and Judah by his left hand. ወመንፈሰ ትንቢት ወረደ ውስተ አፉሁ ወአኀዞ ለሌዊ በየማናዊ እዴሁ ወይሁዳሃ በፀጋማዊ እዴሁ።
13 He turned to Levi first and began to bless him first. He said to him: ‘May the Lord of everything — he is the Lord of all ages — bless you and your sons throughout all ages. ወተመይጠ ኀበ ሌዊ ቅድመ ወአኀዘ ይባርኮ መቅድመ ወይቤሎ ይባርከ እግዚአ ኵሉ ውእቱ እግዚአ ኵሉ ዓለማት። ኪያከ ወውሉደከ ለኵሉ ዓለማት።
14 May the Lord give you and your descendants extremely great honor; may he make you and your descendants (alone) out of all humanity approach him to serve in his temple like the angels of the presence and like the holy ones. The descendants of your sons will be like them in honor, greatness, and holiness. May he make them great throughout all ages. ወየሀብከ እግዚአብሔር ለከ ወለዘርእከ ዕበየ ዐባየ ለክብር ወኪያከ ወዘርእከ ያቅርብ ኀቤሁ እምኵሉ ዘሥጋ ከመ ይትለአክ ውስተ መቅደሱ ከመ መላእክተ ገጽ ወከመ ቅዱሳን። ከማሆሙ ይከውን ዘርኦሙ ለውሉድከ ለክብር ወለዕበይ ወለቅዳሴ ወያዕብዮሙ ውስተ ኵሉ ዓለማት
15 They will be princes, judges, and leaders of all the descendants of Jacob’s sons. They will declare the word of the Lord justly and will justly judge all his verdicts. They will tell my ways to Jacob and my paths to Israel. The blessing of the Lord will be placed in their mouths, so that they may bless all the descendants of the beloved. ወመኳንንተ ወመሳፍንተ ወመላእክተ ይከውኑ ለኵሉ ዘርአ ውሉደ ያዕቆብ ቃሎ ለእግዚአብሔር በጽድቅ ይነግሩ ወኵሎ ኵነኔሁ በጽድቅ ይኴንኑ። ወይነግሩ ፍናዊየ ለያዕቆብ ወአሰርየ ለእስራኤል በረከቱ ለእግዚአብሔር ይትወሀብ ውስተ አፉሆሙ ከመ ይባርኩ ኵሎ ዘርአ ለፍቁር።
16 Your mother named you Levi, and she has given you the right name. You will become one who is joined to the Lord and a companion of all Jacob’s sons. His table is to belong to you; you and your sons are to eat (from) it. May your table be filled throughout all history; may your food not be lacking throughout all ages. ኪያከ ጸውዐት እምከ ስመከ ሌዊሃ ወበአማን ጸውዐት ስመከ ልጹቆ ለእግዚአብሔር ትከውን ወሱታፌ ኵሎሙ ውሉደ ያዕቆብ። ማዕዱ ለከ ትኩን ወአንተ ወውሉድከ ብልዕዋ ወለኵሉ ትውልድ ትኩን ማእድከ ምልእተ ወኢይሕጽጽ እክልከ ለኵሉ ዓለማት
17 May all who hate you fall before you, and all your enemies be uprooted and perish. May the one who blesses you be blessed, and any nation that curses you be cursed’. ወኵሎሙ እለ ይጸልኡከ ቅድሜከ ይደቁ ወኵሎሙ ፀርከ ይሠረዉ ወይትሐጐሉ ዘይባርከከ ቡሩክ ወኵሉ ሕዝብ ዘይረግሙከ ይኩኑ ርጉማነ።
18 Then he said to Judah: May the Lord give you the power and strength to trample on all who hate you. Be a prince — you and one of your sons — for Jacob’s sons. May your name and the name of your sons be one that goes and travels around in the entire earth and the regions. Then the nations will be frightened before you; all the nations will be disturbed; all peoples will be disturbed. ወለይሁዳሂ ይቤሎ የሀብከ እግዚአብሔር ኀይለ ወጽንዐ ከመ ትኪዶሙ ለኵሎሙ እለ ይጸልኡከ መኰንነ ኩን አንተ ወአሐዱ እምነ ውሉድከ ለውሉደ ያዕቆብ ስምከ ወስመ ውሉድከ ይኩን ዘየሐውር ወዘያንሶሱ ውስተ ኵላ ምድር ወአህጉር። አሜሃ ይፈርሁ አሕዛብ እምቅድመ ገጽከ ወይትሀወኩ ኵሎሙ አሕዛብ ወኵሉ ሕዝብ ይትሀወኩ።
19 May Jacob’s help be in you; May Israel’s safety be found in you. ብከ ይኩን ረድኤቱ ለያዕቆብ ወብከ ትትረከብ መድኀኒተ እስራኤል
20 At the time when you sit on the honorable throne that is rightly yours, there will be great peace for all the descendants of the beloved’s sons. The one who blesses you will be blessed, and all who hate and trouble you, and those, too, who curse you will be uprooted and destroyed from the earth and are to be cursed. ወአመ ዕለተ ትነብር ውስተ መንበረ ክብረ ጽድቅከ ትከውን ዐባይ ሰላም ለኵሉ ዘርአ ውሉዱ ለፍቁር። ዘይባርከከ ቡሩክ ወኵሎሙ እለ ይጸልኡከ ወይሠቅዩከ ወእለሂ ይረግሙከ ይሤረዉ ወይትሐጐሉ እምድር ወይኩን ርጉማነ።
21 He turned, kissed him again, and hugged him. He was very happy that he had seen the sons of his true son Jacob. ወተመይጠ ወሰዐሞ ዳግመ ወሐቀፎ ወተፈሥሐ ዐቢየ እስመ ርእየ ውሉዶ ለያዕቆብ ወልዱ ዘበጽድቅ።
22 He moved out from between his feet, fell down, and bowed to him. He then blessed them. He rested there near his father Isaac that night. They ate and drank happily. ወወፅአ እማእከለ እገሪሁ ወወድቀ ወሰገደ ሎቱ ወባረኮሙ። ወአዕረፈ ህየ ቅሩበ ይስሐቅ አቡሁ በይእቲ ሌሊት ወበልዑ ወሰትዩ በፍሥሓ
23 He made Jacob’s two sons sleep, one on his right, one on his left; and it was credited to him as something righteous. ወአኖሙ ክልኤሆሙ ውሉዶ ለያዕቆብ አሐደ በይምኑ ወአሐደ በፅግሙ ወተኆለቆ ሎቱ ጽድቀ።
24 That night Jacob told his father everything — how the Lord had shown him great kindness, that he had directed all his ways favorably and had protected him from every evil one. ወነገረ ያዕቆብ ኵሎ ለአቡሁ በሌሊት ዘከመ ገብረ እግዚአብሔር ምስሌሁ ሣህለ ዐቢይ። ወከመ ሠርሐ ኵሎ ፍናዊሁ ወተማኅፀኖ እምኵሉ እኩይ
25 Isaac blessed the God of his father Abraham who had not put an end to his mercy and faithfulness for the son of his servant Isaac. ወባረከ ይስሐቅ አምላከ አቡሁ አብርሃም ዘኢኀደገ ምሕረቶ ወጽድቆ እምወልደ ገብሩ ይስሐቅ።
26 In the morning Jacob told his father Isaac the vow that he had made to the Lord, the vision that he had seen, that he had built an altar and everything was ready for offering the sacrifice before the Lord as he had vowed, and that he had come to put him on a donkey. ወበነግህ ነገረ ያዕቆብ ለአቡሁ ይስሐቅ ጸሎተ ዘጸለየ ለእግዚአብሔር ወራእየ ዘርእየ ወከመ ሐነጸ ምሥዋዐ ወኵሉ ድልው ለመሥዋዕት ለገቢር ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር በከመ ጸለየ ወከመ መጽአ ይጽዐኖ ዲበ አድግ።
27 But Isaac said to his son Jacob: ‘I am unable to come with you because I am old and unable to put up with the trip. Go safely, my son, because I am 165 years of age today. I am no longer able to travel. Put your mother on an animal and let her go with you. ወይቤ ይስሐቅ ለያዕቆብ ወልዱ ኢይክል መጺአ ምስሌከ እስመ ረሣእኩ ወኢይክል ተዐግሦ በፍኖት ሖር ወልድየ በሰላም እስመ ወልደ ምእት ወስሳ ወኀምስቱ ዓመት አነ። ዮም ኢይክል እንከ ነጊደ ጸዐና ለእምከ ወትሖር ምስሌከ
28 I know, my son, that it was on my account that you came. Blessed be this day on which you have seen me alive and I, too, have seen you, my son. ወአአምር አነ ወልድየ ከመሰ በእንቲአየ መጻእከ። ወዛቲ ዕለት ትኩን ቡርክተ እንተ ባቲ ርኢከኒ ሕያውየ ወርኢኩከ አነሂ ወልድየ
29 Be successful and carry out the vow that you made. Do not delay (in carrying out) your vow because you will be held accountable regarding the vow. Now hurry to perform it. May the one who has made everything, to whom you made the vow, be pleased (with it)’. ወተሰራሕ ወግበር ጸሎተ እንተ ጸለይከ ወኢታጐንዲ ጸሎተከ እስመ ትትኃሠሥ ጸሎተ። ወይእዜኒ ጐጕእ ትግበራ ወይሥመር ዘገብረ ኵሎ ለዘ ጸለይከ ጸሎተ።
30 He said to Rebecca: ‘Go with your son Jacob’. So Rebecca went with her son Jacob and Deborah with her. They arrived at Bethel. ወይቤላ ለርብቃ ሖሪ ምስለ ያዕቆብ ወልድኪ። ወሖረት ርብቃ ምስለ ያዕቆብ ወልዳ ወዲቦራ ምስሌሃ ወበጽሑ ውስተ ቤቴል።
31 When Jacob recalled the prayer with which his father had blessed him and his two sons — Levi and Judah — he was very happy and blessed the God of his fathers Abraham and Isaac. ወተዘከረ ያዕቆብ ጸሎተ እንተ ባረኮ አቡሁ ወክልኤተ ውሉዶ ሌዊሃ ወይሁዳሃ ወተፈሥሐ ወባረኮ ለአምላከ አበዊሁ አብርሃም ወይስሐቅ።
32 He said: ‘Now I know that I and my sons, too, have an eternal hope before the God of all’. This is the way it is ordained regarding the two of them, and it is entered for them as an eternal testimony on the heavenly tablets just as Isaac blessed them. ወይቤ ይእዜ አእመርኩ ከመ ብየ ተስፋ ዘለዓለም ወለውሉድየሂ በቅድመ አምላከ ኵሉ ወከመዝ ሥሩዕ በእንተ ክልኤሆሙ ወያዐርጉ ሎሙ በስምዕ ዘለዓለም ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ በከመ ባረኮሙ ይስሐቅ።

Book of Jubilees 31

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